We're getting much closer to the first CSA delivery. As such, you may want to know what to expect at pick up. Here goes:
--Pick up is from 12 noon to 3 p.m. each Saturday for 25 weeks. You may come to the Myers-Nunn home at 5857 East Michigan Street to pick up your share.
--In the garage, you'll find a coordinator who can help you to your share and answer any questions you may have.
--You will have an envelope waiting for you that looks something like the example at left. Note that it is filed according to the share name you provided at registration. Let us know if we have any of your contact information recorded incorrectly.
--Simply sign for your share where indicated and complete the other items as needed, including paying for any extras you may have ordered (more on extras in a later post) and informing us of any concerns, questions, or extra orders for the next week's delivery.
--Bring your own bag or take one of those provided and simply go through the line of produce pulling items in the quantities labeled on nearby signs and tables. Note always that labels refer to whole shares. Half-share partners, please pull your share according to the labels and share with your partner as you choose.
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