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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

News from the Farm

When I spoke with Levi this morning, he gave me a few quick updates on the season's crops that I'd like to pass along:
  • Early potatoes and corn have not done as well as last year due to the cold start to the season and the lack of rain; however, the later crops seem to be doing very well. We should start to see corn and potatoes within three or four weeks.
  • Tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, and watermelon were described as "exceptional crops." Levi expects a great harvest on these items. We'll start to see these items in a couple weeks.
  • Due to the cold and the birds, the black raspberries aren't going to be plentiful. Levi says the later red and yellow varieties may be bumper crops, but it's too early to tell for sure. We'll see these berries in August and September.

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