Friday, November 2, 2007
CSA for November 3rd
We will be getting:
Sweet Potatoes
Swiss Chard
Salad Mix
Celery or Chinese Cabbage
Red Beets
Extras: Hot Peppers, parsley, tyme and maybe some second peppers
Levi has some ducks for sale at 2.50 a pound if anyone is interested. I will need to know by 2 pm today!
Also Apples, Winter squash, honey, eggs, Kale, Molasses, peppers
Thanks for a great season and hope to see you all next year!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
CSA for October 27th
This week:
Salad Mix
Sweet Potatoes
Broccoli or Lettuce
Hot peppers
For sale:
Eggs, Flowers, Honey,Molasses, Salad Mix, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes
If there is anything not on the list that you would like please put it in your order and I will see if we can get it.
I know this is late but if you can get your orders to my by 2 that would be very helpful.
Thank you,
Monday, October 22, 2007
A Call for Thoughts and Prayers from the CSA Family
Mary confirmed today that the victims of yesterday's I-69 tragedy in which five were killed were relatives of the family. Those killed were not immediate family members, but extended. Melvin, the father, was the gentleman I worked with earlier this year when considering milk at the CSA.
The deceased are: Melvin Fisher (father & driver), 39; Savilla Fisher (mother), 38; Ruben Fisher, 16; Christian Fisher, 11 and Eli Fisher, 1. Seven others were injured.
Three crash victims are still in critical condition at Methodist Hospital, including Ida Lengacher, 32, of New Haven, her daughter Julia, 3, and son John, 1. Leon Fisher is also in critical condition.
Matthew Lengacher, 9, Mary Beth Lengacher, 7 and Nathan Lengacher, 5 are in fair condition.
I'm sure the family will appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
Friday, October 19, 2007
csa for october 20th
collard greens
sweet potatoes
chinese cabbage
red beets
hot peppers
Please refer to last week for extras for sale.
Have orders in by 1 friday
Thursday, October 11, 2007
CSA for October 13th
Some peppers
Some tomatoes(cant believe there are any)!
Salad mix
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash
Broccoli or Lettuce
Extras: Basil,Okra, Hot Peppers,Chives,Mint
Extras for sale:
Winter Squash
Salad mix
Red Beets
Sweet potatoes
Lady finger popcorn
Have a great weekend
Thursday, October 4, 2007
An Exciting CSA Change...
From two-years' experience in a similar role, I can tell Amy and Jeremy that they'll enjoy meeting an incredible group of neighbors (and that they'll never forget to pick up their week's share.)
Truly, thanks, Amy and Jeremy.
Great time for the rest of us to share our continued support in the project: email us at with your plans to help Amy, Jeremy, and the rest of the 2008 committee prepare a great season!
Irvington Green Initiative and Citizen's Action Coalition Fund
We're Wrapping Up 2007! 2008 News Below...
Our season is nearing its end. We've enjoyed 80% of our harvest, and there are just 5 weeks left. I do sincerely hope you've enjoyed your experience this year. I hope to see you next year.
Some quick items for wrap-up and next season planning:
- Soon we'll send a link to an evaluation tool so you may share information about your experience this year and improve our project for next year. Please look for it within the next couple weeks. We hope you'll take the time to share. With 96 families involved this year, we have a wealth of information from which we can learn and grow.
- Please start discussing your participation plans for next year. Will you have the same share partner? Will you family want to move up to a whole share? Down to a half share? We'll call for interest in next year's project in the last couple weeks of season. We'll be asking soon about your plans for the next season. While your commitment won't be binding, we'll certainly appreciate knowing where you stand for next year's season.
- If you have friends interested in Irvington CSA, get them to email right away with their interest in next season's wait list. The list is getting long, and my hunch is we're close to full already for next year. Just a hunch, but they need to let us know of their interest.
- Join us! We've already a few new committee members for next year. Won't you join us, too? In just our third year (2008) we'll appreciate as much help as is out there. Take it from me, this committee's work need not be burdensome. It's been a great way to meet neighbors and enjoy the summer.
We'll look forward to hearing from you soon.
CSA for October 6th
For this week:
Some tomatoes
Salad Mix
Green Beans
Broccoli or Lettuce
Sweet Potatoes
Hot peppers
Extras for sale:
Salad Mix
Swiss Chard
Mustard Greens
Red Beets
Please email me with any orders by 1 on friday!
Thanks and have a blessed weekend
Thursday, September 27, 2007
CSA for September 29th
This week:
Butternut Squash
Popcorn(please know that it may not be quite ready when we get so let it dry a bit first)
Swiss Chard
Salad Mix
Sweet Potatoes
The Tomatoes are getting scarce so not sure if there will be any in shares...if you are interested in any to purchase we may be able to get a few
Hot Peppers
Available to purchase:
All kinds of hot peppers( cayenne,habenero,hot banana)
Salad Mix
Spinach(this is coming from Levis sons farm-we will hopefully see some from Levi in our share soon-wasnt quite ready)
Salad mix
Please refer to last week for prices-and I need your orders by 11 am tomorrow as the Fisher family has a meeting in the eve.
Thank you so much!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Response: Irvington CSA Questions and Concerns
Good day, All. I hope you are well.
The inbox has had some recent member concerns that I thought I should attempt to address. I appreciate those sharing concerns, and I'm happy to respond. Please note some recent questions and related responses from me below. I'm including, too, responses to concerns I've heard or answered at pick-up.
Please note that the responses are mine and are based on my understanding/opinion on the issues raised, and the questions are presented by me in such a way to aggregate several statements and questions and to present them clearly. I do not in any way attempt to represent the understandings/opinions of the other coordinating committee members, our farmer, or our trucker. I'm happy to connect you with those folks if you have further concern or if you find my responses inadequate or otherwise frustrating.
We aren't getting enough in our share. How are quantities determined?
Quantities are determined and packed by the Levi Fisher family. When the truck arrives, we learn exactly what and at what quantity each share will include for the week. I understand that the vegetables included and the quantities of each are determined by many factors, including weather, crop success or failure, crop readiness, and value.
While most seem to understand other crop circumstances, I see a lot of concern when it comes to crop value. I know that Levi and his family work hard to provide a fair value for the money paid for each share. I assume there is some balance, though, to their work. In my conversations with Levi and his family, I've personally seen that they are very aware of the value of items provided and strive to make your experience in the CSA a good one, especially from a value standpoint.
My family has belonged to a Fisher CSA for three years, first as a half-share holder in the Avon group and for the past two years as full-share holders in Irvington. To be sure, we've seen ebbs and flows in crops and quantities, but we've yet to feel that we aren't getting proper value for our money. Quite the contrary, actually. We've felt quite blessed -- sometimes even burdened -- by the quantities.
I understand not all shareholders will have the same experience. Please know that we're doing our best to make the experience the best it can be for you. If you feel you aren't getting a good value, I respectfully submit the following:
- Every week this year we've had extras. The farmer often miscounts items in packing. Other shareholders will leave items they don't want. Shareholders will surrender their shares (we had 8 surrenders last week). I've mentioned several times, including in the registration materials and on this blog, that you are welcome to stop by at 3 p.m. to claim those extras. Just last week, shareholders who stopped in walked away with one or more extra shares! I got two. Extras are usually here. Stop by and help us get rid of them.
- Remember that your payment was for more than just the vegetables. The farm is quite a way from Irvington, and we pay a lot to get the food here. Further, some of your payment was for supplies and such used at the pick-up site. The farmer's portion of your share's payment was $520 or $20.80 per week. Organically grown produce sold at groceries would easily cost more for the same items included in your weekly share. Sure, there are lighter weeks. But remember those summer weeks when we left with 2 or 3 grocery bags? More on costs below because we've had a lot of questions on that.
- Shop comparatively. In considering your participation next year you might look at other CSA's and their set-ups. There are certainly others out there. I will note that some on our waiting list have experienced other local CSA's and are fighting to get into ours. But I'm sure there are some good ones out there.
- Talk to the farmer. One of the glories of CSA living is that you can know your growers, distributors, etc. Call the farmer. Visit the farm. Learn about his methods. Ask him how he makes choices on the quantities. I think you'll find Levi and his family delightful and more than willing to hear your concerns.
- Talk with us and other shareholders. Use the forum to start a discussion. See if others are feeling the same way. Maybe you're on to something that should be changed...
- Join next year's planning committee and influence the project. We could always use more help and new perspectives.
I've seen a lot on this question. Your $614 fee is three-part as follows:
- $520 to the farmer. As mentioned earlier, that's $20.80 per week.
- $89 for transportation.
- $5 for supplies and misc. For bags, pens, markers, magnet paper, printer ink, you name it. Note that I am personally billed for extras ordered, and I have shareholders forget or refuse to claim (or pay for) items they ordered every week. I use this $5 fund to help cover some of those expenses, too.
- One-half share goes to my family. We paid for the other half of our full share.
- One and one-half shares go to families who may not have been able to afford participation this year. Your committee chose those families.
Yes. Levi and his family supply other places. They have CSA projects in Irvington, Lafayette, Avon, Westfield, and Terre Haute. They supply Wild Oats with some items. They supply some (fantastic) local restaurants, including one owned by an Irvington shareholder. They even have a vegetable stand in their yard.
No. We as shareholders haven't paid for the items sent to those places. We paid for shares, not the whole crop. We should expect the farm to earn revenue in other ways outside of this CSA.
Why are there so many extras for sale? Didn't I pay for those already?
The extras can get a little complicated. There are many reasons for there being items on the extras that aren't in your share. The most significant one is that not all extra items come from Levi's farm. All of the items included in our shares come from his farm. Other circumstances include crops not producing enough for all shares and other things. The farmer can answer all questions on the extras, and he'll be open to dialogue with you if you choose.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
- aggressive driving on Michigan Street
- walking through my neighbors' yards instead of using the sidewalks
- trash discarded in my yard and driveway
- mistreatment of volunteers at pick-up
Evaluation help, please...
Next year's CSA project will be with a new host family. (Still in Irvington. More on location and stuff in a later post.) I'd really like to give them and the coordinating committee a healthy kick start with feedback from this year.
2008 Committee Forming Now!
On a personal level, I've found participation to be quite rewarding. And since we have a good sized group this year, the work hasn't seemed to burden any of us as far as I can tell. We'd love to have you on board.
Have you linked in?
Answers to extras
Some as far as anomymous emails.
Please understand that there is nothing that is not explained in the packet you received in the beginning.
The simple answer is that many of the extras come from other farms.
Sometimes there are extra of crop that wont distibute in the shares that are then sold.
I am sorry if this wasnt understood.
Please email me with any questions.
Extras for sale for 9-22
Winter Squash-.70lb or 20.00 a bushel
Green Beens-1.50 lb
Italian golden tomatoes
Hot Peppers
Hot banana peppers
Cayenne peppers
Habanero peppers
Fish peppers
Salad mix 4.50 lb
Spinach 3.00 lb
Eggs are coming back!!
No more maple syrup for the season!
Honey is still available- stock up for the winter!
Is anyone interested in milk for the winter? I need to see if we have enough to have it delivered.
Please email me with order by 3:00 on friday.
Thanks for everything this season,
CSA 9-22
This week:
Heirloom Tomatoes
Possibly Cherry Tomatoes
Red and Yellow Peppers
Indian Corn
Hot Peppers
Friday, September 14, 2007
CSA for September 15th
This week:
Peppers red and yellow
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash
Salad Mix
Thanks and have a great weekend
Friday, September 7, 2007
Extras for sale for Sept 8th
Levi has told me he thinks there will be red onions so please order if want some and we will try and get them.
Please notice that the tomato prices have increased as they are becoming scarce.
Please email me by 5 with orders!
Thanks and have a great weekend.
CSA for September 8th
This week:
Butternut Squash
Red and Yellow Peppers
Hot Peppers
Swiss Chard
Salad Mix
Basil, Parsley, 2nd peppers
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Extras for sale for Sept 1
Tomatoes-all kinds!! 28.00 for a box or 2.00 ppCherry tomatoes-1.50 ppItalian golden-1.50 ppCanning tomatoes-5.00 a box(these are seconds)Hot peppers,jalapenos,hot banana peppers,cayenne all 3.00 pp
Red, white, yellow potatoes 15.00 for a half bushel or 1.00 pp
carrots-1.30 ppRed Beets-.60 ppHoneyMaple SyrupFlowers-3.50
Eggs are still low ...first come first served. Please order if you are interested.
As far as onions go there may be red available
There are a few red or yellow watermelon still available
please email me by 2 on friday.
Any questions- email me!
CSA September 1st
We will be getting:
Tomatoes-different kinds
Bullhorn peppers
Potatoes-red or yellow
Winter acorn squash
Salad mix
Soy beans or sweet corn
Thanks and have an incredible weekend!
Friday, August 24, 2007
This week:
Tomatoes all kinds
Red Beets
Soy Beans
Red and Yellow Peppers
Swiss Chard
Sweet Corn( a little)
Extras-Hot Peppers, Basil, Parsley
Please refer to last weeks blog for the extras for sale.
Still very low on eggs-same as before, first come first served
No sausage til next season
PLEASE EMAIL ME BY 6 on friday(today)
Thanks and have a great weekend,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Extras for sale for August 18th
Cherry tomatoes-1.50 pp
Italian golden-1.50 pp
Canning tomatoes-5.00 a box(these are seconds)
Hot peppers,jalapenos,hot banana peppers,cayenne all 3.00 pp
There are a few canteloupe 2.00 and watermelons 4.00 available
Red, white, yellow potatoes 15.00 for a half bushel or 1.00 pp
Corn-3.75 per dozen
onions-.75 pp
carrots-1.30 pp
Red Beets-.60 pp
Maple Syrup
Eggs are low, first come first served!
No more broccoli or sausage!!!
please email me by 1:00 on friday!
Eggs are low and no more sausage
The orders will be filled as first come first served.
Also there is no more sausage(dont cry) There will be none until next year.
Thank you,
CSA August 18th
I have returned from hot and humid florida!
Here is the list for this week:
Sweet Corn
possible cherry tomatoes
Bell Peppers
Red Potatoes
maybe October Beans
Please pray, hope, wish for rain!! The crops for now are doing well but the fall crops will not be happy unless they get some rain!
Thanks and have a great week!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Volunteer Schedule Updated
We've updated the volunteer schedule for the remainder of the season. You can view it by clicking here.
Note that there are still a few open volunteer positions. Please remember that each half-share is responsible for volunteering at least once (full shares volunteer twice). If you aren't available at any of the times that are left, please contact us because there are always other ways we can help out.
Thanks for everything!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Items for sale for August 4th
Also Red Beets .60per pound, Green Beans, Tomatoes approx 2.00 per pound(all kinds)If you can you can get 20 -25 pound boxes for less.Watermelon-approx 4.00
Please email by 4 tomorrow!
Thanks and have a great weekend!
CSA for August 4th
Please pray for rain! Crops are doing well but in need of some rain!
For this week:
Green Beans
Red and Yellow Peppers
Tomatoes!! All kinds!
Red Beets
And MAYBE Corn
For the extra table:
Mint, Parsley, Chives, Okra, Basil, 2nd peppers, Hot Peppers
Please be considerate of others...there are 55 shares so please try and leave extras for others!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Recipe! Watermelon & Cucumber Gazpacho
From Epicurious:
One 3-pound seedless watermelon, diced (about 5 cups), divided
1 small cucumber, peeled, seeded, diced (about 1 cup)
1 medium-size red bell pepper, seeded, diced (about 1 cup)
1 medium-size yellow bell pepper, seeded, diced (about 1 cup)
1 small jalapeño chile, seeded, minced
3 pale green inner celery stalks, diced (about 1/2 cup)
1/2 small red onion, diced (about 1 cup)
1/4 cup finely chopped fresh mint
3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup crème fraiche or sour cream
Puree 4 cups watermelon in blender until smooth. Transfer puree to large bowl. Add remaining 1 cup diced watermelon and next 10 ingredients; stir to combine. Cover gazpacho and refrigerate until cold, at least 1 hour and up to 4 hours.
Divide gazpacho among bowls; top with dollop of crème fraîche. Makes 4 servings.
- RobFriday, July 27, 2007
Extras fore sale!
For July 28th.
We will be getting:
Cherry Tomatoes
Sweet Corn
Green Beans
Green Peppers
Extras, basil, parsley, okra, hot peppers, chives!
Please email me asap for orders!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
For July 21st
We will be receiving:
Green Peppers
Maybe green beans
Maybe eggplant
Basil, Parsley, Okra
Honey is back! If you have been ordering and havent gotten any please email me and I will order some for you!
There are many extras for sale!
Corn-3.75 a dozen
Broccoli-2.00 bunch
Onions-.75 per pound
Canteloupe-approx 1.75-2.25
Carrots-1.30 per pound
There is still sausage, honey, maple syrup, eggs, and the beautiful flowers!
Please email me and I will get your orders in ....please try to get orders in by 12:00 friday!
Thank you!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Got bags?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
CSA 7-14-07
We will be receiving some great veggies this week!!
Green Beans
Swiss Chard
Green Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes
The extras are: Basil, Parsley,Mint and Chives.
If you ordered anything for last week I apologize for the mix up.
Please email if you need anything for this week. If you ordered on the sheet I should have it and you should receive and email confirming. Please contact me if you do not have a confirmation.
Thanks everyone and enjoy!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Picnic Update
Please RSVP to if you haven't already let us know through email or by signing up at the pickup site.
Here is a link to the directions to the farm:
You may bring any dish you choose. If you'd like, I'd be happy to list dishes on the blog to help you avoid duplicates. Just send us an email to let us know what you're planning, and I'll list it.
For those of you not going, good news! A youngster from our group will be filming a pod at the picnic, and I'll get it posted to the blog early next week. You'll get to see more of the farm and learn about the crops' progress. I'm hoping we'll get some words from Levi, too, but we'll see.
Pick up is still the same: Shares prepacked at 2, pick up till 3, surrendered at 3.
I won't be attending, so I wish you a great time. I'll look forward to the pod footage to update me.
Special Order Mishap
Friday, June 29, 2007
A Recipe from the Extras Table!
Mint-Cilantro Chutney
- 1 cup cilantro leaves
- 1 cup fresh mint leaves
- 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 cup roasted peanuts
- 2 serrano chiles, seeded and sliced
- 1 Tbs. minced fresh ginger
- 1/2 tsp. salt, plus more to taste
- Rob
Thursday, June 28, 2007
CSA for June 30th!
We will be receiving:
Broccoli or Kale
The extras for this week are
I spoke to Levi and he is hoping that anyone that can attend the open house will be there!!! He hopes to meet as many people as possible!!!!
It will develop a great relationship between all of us!!
The rain has been glorious!!! Thank you for your prayers!!
Please email us with any questions or concerns!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Your questions finally answered
First, I hope you're enjoying the season. I'm loving it. Great food. Great neighbors to talk with each week... I wonder if any of you -- like me -- are starting to feel the (good) burn of a lot of produce to process, learn recipes for, cook, enjoy, and share.
Answers to a few questions that've come up regarding the CSA and pick-up in the past couple weeks:
- You may still pick up until 3. We're just pre-packing shares and releasing volunteers at 2 or earlier. The Myers-Nunn's or one of the committee members will tend the site until 3. Our change to pre-packed shares at 2 allows us to clean the site earlier and to release volunteers (you) an hour to an hour-and-a-half earlier. Please, rest assured you're still welcome until 3.
- We are still surrendering shares at 3. Please, feel free to email us if you have an occasional special need that can't be overcome. We've yet to come up with a situation on which we couldn't work with the shareholder. Note, though, that several people tend the email. Emails sent late Friday through Saturday may not be noticed before the surrender happens.
- There have been surrendered shares each week thus far. I hate to let any CSA produce go to waste, but I have limited time to distribute the produce to others or preserve it for my own family. Please know you are welcome to visit the site at 3 to claim surrendered shares. I've had a few non-CSA members stop in recently for surrendered food, but I'm really committed to distribution among shareholders. Please help me out: come on by and pick up your stuff and, if you want more, come back by at 3. We just might have some left!
- By all means, you may have someone else pick up for you. We're more than happy to accommodate your needs. If you are out of town or can't make it, feel free to share your crop with a friend or family member. They'll love you for it!
- This week, the fern-looking thing was fennel. The bulb was kohlrabi. Fresh fennel is new to me, but I'm nuts about kohlrabi. Kohlrabi is one of the many cultivars of wild kale I wrote about in an earlier post (The First Broccoli). It is truly one of the treats of the summer at my house. We eat it raw usually, but I've been thinking of cooking it and making a variation on colcannon this week.
Enjoy your day.
CSA Tip: Use the Forum
Visit the forum, register, and enjoy. Your participation will make it a better resource for us all. Link is in column at right.
CSA Tip: Use the Free Extras Table
Or get too much salad mix? (that's always my problem)
Use the free extras table to share produce you may not use. Simply put it out for another family to enjoy.
I've seen this work well, and folks always appreciate a little more of the things they enjoy. I've even seen folks notice the gift and offer to trade a gifted item for something from their share you may enjoy more than the item you left.
Raw Milk Update
- A person willing to coordinate any raw milk stuff has not emerged.
- I've decided not to offer my home as a pick-up site for milk products.
News from the Farm
- Early potatoes and corn have not done as well as last year due to the cold start to the season and the lack of rain; however, the later crops seem to be doing very well. We should start to see corn and potatoes within three or four weeks.
- Tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, and watermelon were described as "exceptional crops." Levi expects a great harvest on these items. We'll start to see these items in a couple weeks.
- Due to the cold and the birds, the black raspberries aren't going to be plentiful. Levi says the later red and yellow varieties may be bumper crops, but it's too early to tell for sure. We'll see these berries in August and September.
An Invitation from the Fisher Family
The details:
Pitch-In at the Fisher Family Farm, Twin Crooks
Saturday, July 14, 2007
4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Montezuma, Indiana
Please RSVP to by Wednesday, July 11.
(Driving directions will be printed on postcards and made available at the pickup site this week.)
A lot of extras available for order
I spoke with Levi this morning, and he updated me on extras available for order this week. There are quite a few.
We will accept email orders for these, but please put "special order" in the subject line so we are sure to notice your message. Also, we will confirm your order by email. If you don't get a confirmation within 24 hours, please check in with us. We often get a lot of emails when orders are plentiful.
Orders must be in by 5 on Thursday in order to be filled this week.
Available for order this week, delivered on Saturday, June 30:
- Cucumbers (Levi says a lot of nice ones, good for pickling and canning), $25/bushel or $14/half bushel.
- Zucchini, $30/bushel or $16/half bushel
- Zucchini and yellow squashes in smaller quantities at $1/pound
- Popcorn, $1/pound
- Basil, $10/pound
- Parsley, $8/pound
- Kale, $1.40/pound
- Chard, $1.60/pound
- Red beets, $1.30/bunch
- Flower arrangements, $3.50
- Sausage, $2.40/pound (this will come in packages of varying weights, prices determined by actual weight of individual packages)
- Maple syrup, $7/pint
- Eggs, $2.25/dozen
Let us know if we can help you to any of these. Again, please put "special order" in the subject line and order by 5 on Thursday.
Take care,
Friday, June 15, 2007
Check out the Irvington CSA forum!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
CSA for June 16th
This week:
- Snap Peas
- Asparagus
- Lettuce
- Salad Mix
- Squash
- Cabbage
- Chard
- Chives
- Mint
- Oregano
- Basil
- Cilantro
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Pick Up Time is Changing
As such, please note that each week - beginning Saturday, June 16:
- Pick up will start at noon
- At 2, shares will be bagged and labeled for any shares not picked up
- Shareholders may stop in to grab a bag until 3
- Shares are surrendered at 3 unless we've made prior arrangements for occasional unusual circumstances
- Shareholders may still stop in at 3 to request extras or surrendered shares.
- We'll have just one volunteer shift, instead of two each day. We'll need less from you!
- Volunteers shifts will end at 2 instead of 3. Often, things get really, really slow after 1 or 1:30. When that happens, we'll end the shift earlier. The committee member in charge of the day will take it from there.
Whole, Organic Milk Could Be Available. Interested?
I received a call today from another CSA farmer, Melvin Fisher, who wondered if our group may be interested in whole, organic milk, cream, and yogurt from his farm. I discussed it with him a little, and I told him I'd throw it out for discussion and see what happens.
Here's what I know:
- He said the cows are organic but not certified organic. The rest of his farm is certified. The cows are grass fed and hormone free, etc.
- It is against the law to sell milk like this in Indiana. The loophole he takes advantage of is that you can get milk from your own cow and consume it. As such, those interested in milk have to buy into the herd ($75) and purchase the milk products on top of that. Only those herd owners can order the milk products. When one stops getting milk from him, he will buy back the share. I understand this is pretty common. I've heard of these arrangements before and not from the farmer.
- It may be possible for the milk to be delivered on the same day as the CSA veggies for convenient pick up; those getting milk would have to be responsible for any increases in transportation fees we incur, though. If delivery is on a different day, the milk could come on a truck that goes to Avon, Westfield, and Bloomington already, adding an Irvington stop. I would likely not be open to having delivery at my house if delivery and pick up are not on Saturday during the existing CSA times.
- There would be some infrastructure needed. We have refrigeration in my garage, but it really is needed for the eggs, chickens, and such. We may not have room for all of the milk products. We'd have to get coolers or some other thing to supplement.
- I would see this as separate from the current CSA. I'd be happy to help you get going, but I don't have time or interest, really, (Just try to get me to drink ANY milk!) to coordinate this. I assume coordination would be similar to CSA but with a smaller group, including registration, communication, getting updates and such from the farmer, placing orders with the farmer, collecting payment, and dealing with unclaimed orders, etc.
- If there is a group who is interested, I'll pass along contact information and such so you can start discussions with the farmer.
- I'd be happy to help you with the communication tools we use for the CSA now: blog, email, document sharing, etc. and help you link from the existing CSA resources.
- If there is a group interested, I'll keep you posted on my thinking, but: I do need to do some more thinking regarding my risk on this. I have some reservations regarding the distribution at my house. I know absolutely nothing about safety or other issues involved with these products. While I assume there wouldn't be any safety issues, I don't want to lose my house over someone getting sick or something. Any of the many lawyers in the group want to give me some ideas?
Sunday, June 10, 2007
What do I do with all of this kale?
If you have other ideas, post them in the comments or send us an email so we can post them to the blog!
- Rob
Links from Vegetarian Times Magazine:
- Tuscan-Style Spaghetti with Kale and Cannellinis
- Red Potatoes with Kale, Avocado and Feta (this would probably make one heck of a potato salad if served cold)
- Sesame Noodles with Kale
Friday, June 8, 2007
Irvington Farmer's Market is this Sunday!
2007 Volunteer Schedule
The long-awaited 2007 volunteer schedule is available online. You may view the schedule by clicking here.
Volunteers should plan on being at the pickup site from 11am - 2pm on their scheduled day. If time permits, volunteers will be sent home early. Most of the help is needed at 11am (to unload the truck), and from the main pickup hour of 12-1pm.
The schedule was built with your requested dates in mind when possible. Each 1/2 share should only need to volunteer once for the summer. If you see an error, or need to switch dates with someone else, please contact the "wrangler" at the CSA pickup, or send an email to
Please remember that volunteering is mandatory for 2007 CSA membership. If you cannot volunteer during the pickup times, there may be other ways that you can contribute. Please speak to the wrangler or drop us a line so that we can work out an alternate solution.
Thanks! See you on Saturday!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
NEW! CSA forum available.
A link is posted in the column at the right. For now:
Please visit, sign in, and start sharing.
And thanks, Gabe, for your idea and set-up work!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
What do I do with all of this Swiss Chard?
From the University of Illinois Extension website:
Chard leaves freeze well after blanching, but the stems become soggy and rather unappealing. Canned chard does not fare as well producing a product similar to canned spinach.
To freeze:
- Prepare a sink of cold water. Rinse chard through several changes of water lifting leaves out leaving sand and soil behind. Then separate the stems from the leaves.
- Bring 4 quarts of water to a rolling boil. Drop about one pound of whole leaves in boiling water, cover and blanch for 2 minutes (blanch stems for 3 minutes).
- Remove chard from water and immerse in an ice water bath for 2 minutes. Drain.
- Pack in zip-closure freezer bags or freezer containers, leaving no headspace. Label, date and freeze at zero degrees for up to one year.
CSA Poll: Pick Up Times
Some background: Pick up is scheduled from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.. We're seeing this year that most shares are claimed between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., and we only have a few shares picking up after 2 p.m. Volunteers are left with little to do between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.
The question at hand: How would you feel if we changed pick up to be between the hours of 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.?
Scroll down to respond to the poll.
If we did make the change, our shareholder volunteers would simply pack any unpicked shares into bags, label them with your share name, and leave them on the tables until 3 p.m. You could still pick up until 3 p.m., but any shares not claimed at 3 p.m. will be surrendered unless we've made special arrangements with you regarding late pick up (just like now).
Volunteer shifts would end at 2 p.m. instead of 3 p.m., and the Myers-Nunn's or a committee member would come simply come and close things up at 3 p.m.
What do you think? Let us know in this poll below. If changes are made, we'll let you know. They would begin in week 5, June 16. Polling closes Sunday, June 10.
2007 Irvington Garden Tour
- Antique Mall of Irvington
- Eddie's Ace Hardware
- Eleven S. Kitley
- Habig's Garden Shop
All proceeds go to beautification projects in Historic Irvington.
Want to know more? Visit the Garden Club website.
Special Orders
If you order by email, please help us out by putting "special order" or something similar in the subject line. We're getting a lot of email, and we want to make your order a priority. Help us to not miss you...
Special orders available (so far) for order and delivery next week are:
- Eggs, $2.25 per dozen
- Maple Syrup, $7 per pint
- Honey, $8 per quart
- Salad Mix, $2.25 per 1/2 pound
- Oregano, $12 per pound
- Sausage, $3.60 per 1 1/2 pounds
- Lettuce, Green, $1.25 each
- Lettuce, Red, $1.25 each
- Lettuce, Romaine, $1.25 each
- Yellow Squash, $1.00 per pound
- Zuccini, $1.00 per pound
- Flowers, $3.50 per bunch
One shareholder reminded me this week of wilted lettuce. Hadn't thought of it in years, but I'm sure we'll be having it at my house this week! Here's a recipe if you want it to help you use the large quantity of lettuces we received in our shares this week. I bet those garlic scapes would be good in place of the green onions called for in the recipe!
Thanks, Shareholders! And some answers to your questions.
A couple shareholders have offered great suggestions that we'll implement right away. Note a couple changes:
- We'll start placing heavier items at the front of the pickup line. That way you won't have to juggle through things to avoid squashing things already in your bags.
- We'll be sure to place special order messages in blog posts rather than a listing on the sidebar. This way, those who use an RSS reader will receive the list in their feed and won't have to click through to the actual blog to learn of special orders.
Some questions have come up recently, too:
- What if I want to sell my produce for one or more weeks?
- What happens to my share if I forget to pick up?
- Can others pick up for me?
- And more...
Always, if you have a question or concern, please know we're happy to help. Just let us know.
What's that curly thing on the free extra's table?
At our house, we use the garlic scapes just like we would a chive or scallion. Chopped in a salad, omelet, or such. I may be making a big ol' mac and cheese later, and I was thinking of substituting the scapes for the onion.
I did some Googling this morning and found some great resources on the scapes and their use. From Mary Jane Butter, here's a great description and a couple recipes.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The First Broccoli
Here's the NPR Moment of Science podcast of the story and a Wikipedia entry about it, too.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Irvington Guild of Artists' 2007 Collectors Show and Silent Auction
Picking Up Special Orders
Please note that I am personally billed for special orders and am responsible for paying whether or not you pay for it. Last year, we did have some issues with this, and I just want to offer a friendly, proactive reminder. This week, I ended up with over $10 in special orders not claimed and paid for. That can add up fast for me.
CSA Tip: Feeds and Readers
What's a feed? Learn more at the Wikipedia post on feeds.
And from the shameless commerce division of the CSA: Let Google help you manage this and other feed subscriptions with Google Reader. I use Google services, including Google Reader, for all of my business and personal stuff and have found them to be reliable and affordable (read: free).
CSA Tip: Strawberries
Have strawberries left over? I've found a couple ways to prepare strawberries that are just fantastic. I've used both ideas below with CSA strawberries I froze last season and the inferior grocery-store ones, too.
Roasted Strawberries: Yes. Roasted. They are delicious! Take the strawberries and put them in the oven in a small crock. I roast them at 375 degrees for a couple hours, stirring them every half hour or so. They sweeten and caramelize a little. You can add a little sugar or honey for more sweetness if you want. I've used roasted strawberries as a topping for ice cream or shortcakes. Last summer I even made a homemade roasted strawberry ice cream that was incredible. I just substituted the roasted (and cooled) ones for fresh called for in the recipe. Best strawberry ice cream I ever had...
Strawberry-Honey Refrigerator Jam: Even faster. I'm making this tonight with this week's strawberries. Throw hulled strawberries and some honey to taste in a pan and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly. Delicious jam! Keep it covered in the refrigerator. It won't keep long, but you'll eat so quickly it won't matter!
When you have great tips or recipes to share, email us at so we can post it for the other shareholders.
Small Change at Pickup

I'm switching from envelopes to postcards at pickup. The envelopes are proving unnecessary and actually fairly difficult to print quickly. Please look for a postcard similar to the envelopes used. When paying for special orders, just give your cash or check to the volunteer, and we'll take care of it for you.
Natural Solutions Foundation
Change Codex - Protect health freedom from Codex Alimentarius. Website contains information, resources, and calls to action.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Growing Goodness
There seems to be a great deal of material about organic food, CSA's, and other topics that may interest members. Their blog is great!
Here's a channel I previewed from their site about the CSA movement:
Lots more where this came from at their blog and site!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Irvington Community Supported Agriculture Update, May 24, 2007
--Remember pick up on Saturday is from 12 to 3. We'll be happy to see you again!
--If you are traveling out of town, please arrange to have someone else pick up for you. We want you to have your goodies, so please remember we are surrendering unpicked produce at the end of the period this year and are not making follow-up calls to those who've failed to pick up.
--For special circumstances regarding pickup or other matters this week or any week during the season, please email us at and we'll help the best we can. Please note that -- while I don't mind calls for emergencies -- I'd rather not be called in lieu of email as we have a whole committee working on this year's project. I may not be the correct person to contact. Please know we check our email daily and your written communication will get noticed by the right volunteer.
--Please note that we may miss emails sent between Friday afternoon and pickup time. Please let us know of things as soon as you realize you have an issue.
--I spoke with Levi early this morning. This week's share will likely include: asparagus, lettuces, salad mix, green onions, and strawberries. Possible other times include radishes and kale/chard mixes. Free extra herbs will also be available.
--Last week, we were only sent 30 shares of asparagus. Levi found a box at the farm that didn't make it onto the truck. Those of you who missed asparagus last week were very gracious, and we appreciate that. Levi will be sending an extra share of asparagus for those who didn't get it last week.
--There will be extras available for order at pick up on Saturday and through email during the week. See the column on the right for a list of available items.
--If you ordered extra items, please remember your checkbook. Please do bring the book rather than just one check. Extras come from more than one farmer. Depending on your order, you may need to write more than one check. We will have change available if you will be paying cash.
--We're still working on settling the volunteer schedule. We had registrants as late as this week, and it's taking us a minute to get through matching the needs with your availability. Committee member Beth Harp will be in touch soon. Thanks for your patience with us on this!
--While registration is closed, we are getting a little bigger with transfers from other Twin Crooks sites, etc. Right now, we have 55 full shares. We are the largest in the group, and we have a full 10 shares more than we did last year. Thanks to all of you who spread the word for me.
--If you think another site may be more convenient for you to pick up at, please note that Westfield and Avon are having difficulty filling, and we can transfer your share for pick up there. Just let me know and I'll help you navigate the process. Note that both Avon and Westfield have pick up during the weekdays. You will have to pay another transportation fee, but you'll also be refunded the fee (prorated based on the date of transfer) from the Irvington group.
Enjoy your holiday weekend. We'll see you Saturday.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Sorry, we're full!
If you would like to be a part of the 2008 season, please email us at and put "wait list" in the subject line. We'll contact you in the fall with an update.
Enjoy the summer.
Almost full! Act quickly.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Last minute comments, questions, concerns?
I look forward to seeing you Saturday and to meeting many of you for the first time...
Half Share Notes
When you arrive at pickup, there are committee members who can help you through the process of picking up your food. Please note a couple important things, though:
--Pick-up is for a whole share. You will go through the line and pick from the bins a whole share of produce. From there, it's yours and your share partner's. The CSA committee will not be prepared to tell you how to split it or who gets what.
--We've seen share partnering work well when partners appear at pick-up at the same time and negotiate the splitting or when one share partner shows at pick-up and distributes from there. Please find the arrangement that works best for you.
--We'll have knives and cutting boards available all season if you need them for splitting some of the larger items that may come one/share.
It's all in the details!
Some final details to cover:
--Payment and registration forms are very much needed. Please make sure you've dropped them off in order for me to have you set for this weekend. We are hitting the end of registration, and it's hard to tell how many shares are open.
--See below for pickup and volunteer details.
--CALL ME. I'm away from Indiana and will be traveling tomorrow morning and through the day. While I have internet access in the car, it can be spotty, especially as I'm going through these horrible southeastern forest fires. Please, after today, call me at 418-7295 with last minute detail questions, concerns, registration problems, etc. I'll help as best I can.
Volunteer Assignments
Please know that Irvington CSA committee member Beth Harp is working through the volunteer assignments now and will be in touch soon. Don't worry, we won't leave you out.
Some members did not indicate volunteer dates on their forms. Please ask a committee member on Saturday to help you designate some available times. We have lots to do, and we need you to participate.
First Pick Up is Saturday
I've been away from Indiana, but Levi said it's been pretty dry. He told me on Tuesday that some rain would be a real blessing to push things up a bit. If you've had rain, great. We might see more. If you haven't, pull out your favorite rain dance or prayer to move the crops on.
Levi reports that planting is going well and the fields are getting loaded with plants galore for our enjoyment this summer.
More later...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
When is the first pick up?
While you're waiting for the season to start, be sure you've completed your registration including payment. We don't want you to be left out. Registration forms are in the column on the right.
Also, note earlier posts below with important CSA information, including:
-crop list
-video of a recent visit to the farm
-recent farm updates
Scroll on down for the most updated information.
Please note that the committee will send email updates regularly but that the most up to date information will always be on the blog. Be sure to bookmark this page or subscribe to the Atom feed to keep yourself informed.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
How do I pick up my share?

We're getting much closer to the first CSA delivery. As such, you may want to know what to expect at pick up. Here goes:
--Pick up is from 12 noon to 3 p.m. each Saturday for 25 weeks. You may come to the Myers-Nunn home at 5857 East Michigan Street to pick up your share.
--In the garage, you'll find a coordinator who can help you to your share and answer any questions you may have.
--You will have an envelope waiting for you that looks something like the example at left. Note that it is filed according to the share name you provided at registration. Let us know if we have any of your contact information recorded incorrectly.
--Simply sign for your share where indicated and complete the other items as needed, including paying for any extras you may have ordered (more on extras in a later post) and informing us of any concerns, questions, or extra orders for the next week's delivery.
--Bring your own bag or take one of those provided and simply go through the line of produce pulling items in the quantities labeled on nearby signs and tables. Note always that labels refer to whole shares. Half-share partners, please pull your share according to the labels and share with your partner as you choose.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Please continue to spread the word. It looks as though some interested shareholders may not be able to follow through on their interest, and we still have some shares available.
I'll post those looking for half-shareholders in the column at the right in case someone needs a partner.
More later...
Farm and Delivery Update 5/8/07
I spoke with Levi early this morning, and I have a quick update on the farm and the crops:
--Asparagus, lettuces, spinach, and radishes are coming in strong and will be the first crops delivered when we start up. The cold weather earlier has slowed things a bit, and Levi says it would be nice to get a good shower to push them up a touch.
--There will be a strawberry crop, but it won't be as strong as last year. Levi shared again how the cold weather earlier has affected this crop. See the video below for pictures of the strawberries in bloom. Notice the flowers with black spots that won't produce berries. These were blooms that started prior to the cold spell. Even so, there will be strawberries.
--Peas are doing quite well! Levi says that it's not going to be a bumper crop but that it will be stronger than the last couple of years.
--Our first delivery is scheduled for May 19 and will likely consist of lettuces, spinach, asparagus, and radishes. There is some possibility that the first delivery is pushed back to May 26 if we don't get some rain to push the early crops on.
Keep your eye on this blog and on emails from the coordinating committee for frequent updates.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Crop List
The list is taken from a scan of the Avon group's booklet a few years ago, but the crops and schedules remain more or less the same throughout the years. Please note that other text surrounding the crop list on this document applies to the Avon group in the past. Information on costs, etc. is not accurate.
Registration materials are at the right if you haven't yet completed and returned yours.
A visit to the farm...
Monday, April 30, 2007
2007 Shares Still Available
Please note that the registration materials refer to April 25 as a deadline. This does not mean that shares may not be purchased after then. Shares will remain available until sold out.
Crop List and Farm Update
Until then, please see for a pdf list of the crops planned for this season. The pdf is extracted from the Avon group's handbook, so only the crop list is applicable to our group.
Always, email us if you have questions or concerns.
--Christopher Nunn
Monday, April 23, 2007
The April Show is Coming.
The show -- entering its tenth year -- is a unique one-night only exhibition featuring the artworks of Indianapolis artists who have faced daunting obstacles. It is truly a must-see annual Indianapolis art event.
Have other community events that may be of interest to CSA shareholders? Well, email us. We'll be happy to help spread the word.
Quick Update: The Season is Approaching!
--We should know soon the exact date of the first pickup. We'll post to the blog as soon as we hear from farmer Levi.
--If you haven't completed your registration yet, please do so soon. We've been holding shares for continuing 2006 members even while open to the public. All waitlisted registrants have been accepted, and we're now in publicity mode to fill the remaining shares with new shareholders. Please make sure you don't get left out! Email to update your intent. We'll be releasing held shares to new registrants if we don't hear from you by the end of this week.
--Check the blog at Be sure to bookmark it. Maybe even add it to your RSS feeds. The blog will start to pick up soon, and you'll want to stay informed of pick up start, farm news, etc., so be sure to check it often.
--Spread the word! We have only a few shares left, and they're first-come, first-served. Help us let folks know through your email groups, etc. that shares are available. We'll post the number of shares available to the blog on a frequent basis after the end of this week so folks can check for availability prior to registering. If you know someone interested, please have them email us at right away. We'll get them on the road to membership!
Looking forward to seeing you!
Your CSA Committee
Thursday, March 15, 2007
We're getting full!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Registraton is OPEN!
This year a full share is $614. You may register at any time, but early registration pays. You receive a $25 discount for full payment registration by April 10; a $10 discount is available for full payment registration by April 25.
Don't forget to join us for the information/registration meeting with Farmer Levi:
Friday, March 9, 2007
2007 CSA Coming Soon!
Our delicious produce should start arriving mid-May. I just can't wait. While we still have a freezer full of strawberries at our house (even though I've made roasted strawberry sauces and ice creams all winter), Kyle and I just used the last of our frozen spinach and corn from this week. I'm already feeling deprived.
Organizing this year's project is underway big time. Documents revised... Members to contact... Garage to clean... Here's what I know so far:
Our organizing/information meeting is scheduled for March 22 at 5:00 p.m. at the Irvington Branch Library. Levi will be there, and he and I will have answers to all of your questions.
I'll have registration/informational materials completed this weekend, and I'll get them to you.
Until then, enjoy the warm, sunny weather.